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Buy, Borrow, Die // Q&A

Q&A: Buy, Borrow, Die 

March 06, 20241 min read

Q&A: Buy, Borrow, Die

Creating an LLC (Limited Liability Company) for your rental property can offer protection and tax benefits. An LLC acts as a separate legal entity, shielding your personal assets from lawsuits related to the property. It also provides privacy by displaying the LLC's name and address instead of your own.

Tax-wise, LLCs benefit from "pass-through" taxation, where income is reported on your personal tax return, simplifying tax filings. However, running an LLC involves additional administrative tasks and costs, especially if you have multiple LLCs for different properties.

Speaking of multiple LLCs, they can further protect your assets by keeping each property's liabilities separate. However, managing multiple LLCs increases administrative overhead and tax complexity.

For retirement savings, a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) allows investment in real estate. This can provide tax advantages depending on the type of IRA (traditional or Roth). Holding real estate in an SDIRA offers protection against bankruptcy, but it comes with strict rules, like hiring contractors for repairs and limiting property use.

Lastly, the "buy, borrow, and die" strategy, popular among the ultra-wealthy, involves accumulating appreciating assets, borrowing against them, and passing them to heirs tax-free through trusts and donations. This perpetuates wealth across generations while minimizing taxes.

These strategies offer various benefits but require careful consideration and understanding of their implications before implementation.

Q&A: Buy, Borrow, Die

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